Rolling Thunder: four men smiling at the camera holding a plaque

The other day, Rolling Thunder POW/MIA Kentucky Chapter 5 presented a plaque and POW/MIA flag to Forcht Bank in appreciation of the bank’s sponsorship of four memorial seats at Kroger Field in Lexington. Forcht Bank also hosted families of the 13 Kentucky POW/MIA service members for a private dedication dinner prior to the U.K. vs Georgia football game this past November.

The major function of Rolling Thunder®, Inc. is to publicize the ​POW☆​​MIA issue. To educate the public that many American Prisoners of War were left behind after all previous wars and to help correct the past and to protect future Veterans from being left behind. They are also committed to helping American Veterans from all wars. Rolling Thunder®, Inc. is a non-profit organization and everyone donates his or her time.​


Rolling Thunder: four men smiling at the camera holding a plaque

left to right: Eddie Woodruff – Forcht Group; Todd Matonich – Rolling Thunder; Terry Forcht – Forcht Bank Chairman; and Wayne Sanchez – Forcht Group